I’ve been crazy busy, but the worst of what was scheduled to be crazy busy is done now (and hopefully, there isn’t much unscheduled crazy in the offing), and I’m actually doing hobby-type things at the moment.
Among them:
Preparing to sell a bunch of cards, from the 10,000 or so I’ve gotten in lots that I decided not to keep or already had.
Setting up a proper room for my hobby stuff, once it’s painted and whatever we decide to do to the floors there is done. (This also entails moving the literal ton of stuff I have in the room next to it, after the painting and flooring is over.)
Figuring out where my focus is going to be on these hobbies of mine, both short-term and for the forseeable future.
It’s coming along, all of this.
Oh, and if you want to get chatty with me, I am on Twitter, at @INeedNewHobbies. I should be a bit more active there in the coming days. Follow and engage!