One person trying to make peace with how they use their time.
Classic Post From The Old Card Site: Put Up Your Dukes, Parts I and II!
2020 Notes: this is the one of the first real features I did on my old site, and also a story about the first boxing card I got. On the same day that I got it, and saw the scrapbook that it came from, which is featured below, another gentleman came into my old local, where it came from, with another card album, this one holding the first 1951 Topps Ringsides I’d seen in person, including the Rocky Marciano card. I was hooked as soon as I saw those, and the rest is history. It was cool looking back at this post, and seeing how far things have come since then. Enjoy this look back at the scrapbook, the card I got from it, and the 2010-era Hobby Shop card display cases.
I got this card last night, a steal at any price, much less $15, even with the glue damage on the back:
You see, there’s a great story behind that glue damage. This card was part of a pretty amazing collection that walked into my local card shop a few weeks ago. A man of about 70 brought in a leather-bound scrapbook he’d put together when he was about 9 or 10. In it, he had pasted newspaper clippings of some sports stories of the time, and further into the book, he’d also pasted a collection of probably about 100 sports cards (baseball, football and boxing), from the ’48 and ’49 Leaf sets and the ’49 Bowman set. We’re not talking lightweights here, either, as Ruth, DiMaggio and Teddy Ballgame were all represented on the baseball end of things, Doak Walker was in the football collection, and among the boxers, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson and the great John L. Sullivan (a criminally undervalued card even for its relatively late vintage, considering that “The Boston Strong Boy” was essentially the first American superstar athlete), pictured above, were just a few of the many names I saw.
The cards, aside from the paste jobs on the backs (which, all things considered, weren’t the worst I’ve seen by a long shot) were all pretty well-preserved and meticulously organized (including stencilled team names at the tops of the pages; the stencil was still in the scrapbook, too), especially considering that a kid of 10 or so, in the late ’40s did this. It’s actually a damn shame that the scrapbook was sold and disassembled after all this time, as it was a gorgeous time capsule and had to be full of memories for the owner, but from a business perspective, the collection would’ve been near-impossible to sell except by auction, which could’ve been dicey and a world of hassle.
Thanks to Bob at The Hobby Shop, I was able to take some pictures of the scrapbook, as well as some pictures of the other cards that were in it along with my John L. Sullivan card. Stand by for awesomeness.
The cover of this leatherbound beauty!
The stencil used to letter the pages.
A few pages of college football clippings!
The front page of the pro f00’ball section.
From the baseball section, a young man runs out of room to stencil in “Senators”.
The back page of the Red Sox section. If you look closely, you can see where the cards were.